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  • Writer's pictureElla Close

Poppy Appeal: Celebrities Help Launch 2019 Campaign

This year there is a special effort to highlight the unseen contribution made by the Armed Forces.

The 2019 Poppy Appeal has been launched by the Royal British Legion (RBL) in London. 

This year's campaign will consist of 'Operation Poppy', involving 'undercover' celebrities assisting collectors in helping raise awareness for the charity and their fundraising work.

Around 40,000 RBL collectors will gather across the UK alongside people such as Ross Kemp, Anthony Cotton and Ben Shepherd.

This year's appeal will include a covert mission, with the support of Government Communication Headquarters (GCHQ).

Budding codebreakers among the public are being encouraged to try and crack the 'brainteaser' challenges and reveal the identity of the famous faces.

The aim of Operation Poppy is to work out who the celebrities taking part are, before they are unveiled by the RBL on social media.

Also among the famous personalities revealed to the public during the 2019 launch are 'Dragon's Den' star Deborah Meaden and 'Strictly Come Dancing's' Arlene Phillips.

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