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How I Became An Investigative Journalist

I remember when I was little, the one thing I wanted to be when I grew up was to be a writer. More so an author. I would write a 300-page painstakingly terrible novel and give them to my mother to read, who, despite exhausting herself reading such atrocity, would always give me constructive criticism on how to improve my writing.


Fast forward a couple of years, and I find myself looking for something new to learn through my local college. I stumbled across Creative Writing, but the syllabus didn't captivate me enough. That was until I saw Print & Journalism on the list of potential courses. I never once thought about being a journalist, until my first day at college came around and the syllabus was explained to us in detail, outlining everything we was to learn over the next two years, and so on - and ever since then, I have been on a five year journey broadening my knowledge of the world and working towards being a successful Investigative Journalist.


After completing college with three triple A*s, I decided it was time for a change. That change being university, and specifying my subject choice to an investigatory element.


Three years later, I have graduated with a 2:1 and am embarking on some life changing experiences such as working with the fantastic team at Forces News and BFBS. So stay tuned to hear and read more of what I get up to as I step out into my future.

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